Friday, May 3, 2013

Quit Marijuana - The Complete Quide

**Your problem starts right here**

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When you inhale weed, THC moves from your lungs to your bloodstream quickly to get you stoned.
From that point on, marijuana is completely different to any other drug! Because after getting you high the metabolites of marijuana store in the fat cells of your body and & can stay there for months!
Think that makes it harder to quit weed...? It does.
With weed getting stronger over time this is now one of the main reasons people find it so hard to quit weed.
While still inside your body, marijuana is released slowly back into the bloodstream. This gives you a lack of focus, mood swings, low energy, headaches, stomach pains, and even sometimes still feeling stoned - even if you haven't been smoking for many days!
The real problem? Cravings to smoke more marijuana
IMPORTANT: You may already have a build up of toxins in your body!
Smoking too much gives you a build up of toxins, which can cause you to smoke more often, bringing you even more toxins...
The cycle never ends unless you take action.
To quit weed without understanding your addiction, is kind of like somebody trying to quit smoking cigarettes yet still sucking down 2 or 3 smokes every single day and continue fueling their addiction for months!
If you are trying to quit weed and you still have cravings to smoke weed, you might be doing things the hard way. Using willpower alone, is not the best method to quit marijuana successfully.
What is the best way to quit weed?
The best proven method to quit weed is to deal with both your body & mind.
Re-establish the way you actually think about weed - and also give your body a marijuana focused detox.
This isn't a long process, is good for your health, and proven the most successful method to quit weed. Once you think about marijuana differently, and detox denies your body of any cravings or withdrawals, you will find yourself turning down and weed offered to you, naturally.
What a great feeling!
Imagine that. YOU having a clear mind, increased energy, total focus, motivation and clarity. Better health. Better relationships -and not only that- but a new ability to turn down marijuana easily no matter how difficult it is right now.

When you have control, you can smoke weed less and on your own terms - or not at all
With this new ability, even people that smoke marijuana daily for years can quit easily and permanently - any time they choose - or just cut back to once a month. Remember, you will be in control of your addiction and you will have the power to make that decision......

quit marijuana 

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