Sunday, March 24, 2013

Stop Smoking - Permaquit

permaquit now

Your previous attempts to quit did NOT fail because you're weak, or because you're "too badly hooked".
Nor did they fail because quitting smoking is hard… 
They failed because the outdated methods you used only tackled 10% of the problem -  just the very tip of the iceberg.    
I'm referring to willpower methods such as "cold turkey" and "cutting down". 
I'm referring to nicotine patches, inhalers and gum.  Electronic cigarettes.  Herbal pills.  Injections and drugs.
All these methods target only your physical nicotine dependence.  They treat your addiction as if it were a simple physical problem requiring ‘medicine’.
But nicotine addiction is NOT a simple physical problem.  Physical dependence is just a tiny part of your overall addiction.
You see, none of those methods fix the REAL problem - the other 90% of your addiction that is hidden beneath the surface...
You must understand that it is not your physical dependence on nicotine that keeps you trapped in the smoking cycle.
It is something much deeper and more complex...
the permaquit

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